Williston, Vermont

Connie Norona

"First, we replaced the old, inefficient and unsafe furnace."

Connie Window

Over the past four years, Connie Norona and her son, Charlie, have cut their oil use from 650 to 400 gallons. They are saving about $850 a year. Here's how they did it.

First, we replaced the old, inefficient and unsafe furnace in their manufactured home with a new Miller unit. Next, Charlie and Connie got an energy audit from Efficiency Vermont and Building Energy. Then they made several improvements:

  • Foam sprayed underneath the floor and on the inside of the foundation.
  • Loose-fill cellulose and air sealing in the attic.
  • New, efficient double-glazed windows to replace all the old single pane units.

An annual furnace tune-up from our service technicians, including a full safety check and an efficiency test.
Using less energy saves money, reduces emissions, creates jobs and makes us more secure. Your Energy Co-op celebrates Charlie and Connie Norona - and dozens of our members - for making their homes more energy efficient. Thank you all.

Our Member Testimonials

Committed to Reducing Fossil Fuel Footprint

I especially like that I can program the heat pump to shut off and turn on to fit our schedule. We're looking forward to having a cool space on the hottest days of summer as well. Great technology!

Todd C. and Maeve McB.
South Burlington, Vermont