Here are the latest blogs from our General Manager and other experts on energy efficiency, politics and policies. 

Efficiency Vermont Expanded Rebates

By Shelley Navari

Good news for Vermont residents & the members of Energy Co-op of Vermont: Efficiency Vermont has broadened its income... Read more

Window air conditioner vs. heat pumps

By Shelley Navari

For many Vermont homeowners, installing their window A/C units is an unwelcome warm weather ritual. See how a heat pump... Read more

Wood Pellets

By Shelley Navari

Given the variety of wood pellet heating options and individual consumer preferences, there is really no such thing as a "... Read more

Indoor Air Quality Hazards

By Shelley Navari

Housing conditions should support good health. There are many factors that contribute to creating a... Read more

Reduce Carbon Footprint

By Shelley Navari

There are numerous small steps you can take that can add up to significant reductions in your carbon footprint and help to... Read more

Inflation Reduction Act in Vermont

Now that the Inflation Reduction Act (IRA) has been implemented, here are some updates and helpful links to let you know what incentives you may... Read more

Bosch outdoor units

By Joe Cobb

Over the last five years, the Energy Co-op has installed over 1,000 ductless heat pumps for our customers and members in... Read more

Heat Pump System Diagram

By Brian Gray

If you do a Google search for "How much does a heat pump cost?" you'll probably get a long list of links from companies you... Read more

Two people shaking hands

You may have heard the Energy Co-op call itself "A Different Kind of Energy Company". Because of our cooperative business model, our goal is not... Read more

Energy Co-op membership benefits

By Brian Gray

50 years ago, 90% of the homes in Vermont were primarily heated with oil. Today, that percentage is down to 43%. But, while... Read more


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Efficiency Vermont Expanded Rebates
Exciting News: Expanded Rebates for Vermont HouseholdsGood news for Vermont residents & the members of Energy Co-op of Vermont: Efficiency Vermont has broadened its income eligibility guidelines... Read more